Monday, January 7, 2008

It won't work. I have an exceptionally large mind.

I've posted 21 entries so far where the titles are references, and I thought it might be fun to try and get you all to guess what they are.  I have listed all the relevant titles.  In the comments, list what you think the title is a reference to.

No fair putting Star Wars for each.  If you think a title is a SW reference, I need the specific movie or context (speaker and subject).  No googling.

Here you go from newest to oldest:

It won't work. I have an exceptionally large mind.
We've got to give him more time...
Hoover Dam is big.
Where my nose ends and space begins.
There's something very weak coming through...
Fire. F-F-F-Fire.
Be just like Mosaic Canyon back home.
I'll return. I promise.
Only an old ghost town..
Play back the entire message!
I don't see you crying, robot!
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Where's not going to get another chance at this...
What makes you think there will be settlements over there?
If there's a bright center to the universe...
There's not much to see...
A Day Late and Many Dollars Shorter...
Hear me baby, hold together.
Life is like a box of...
Tick Tock
I have a baaad feeling about this...
We're in for some Chop.


Unknown said...

It won't work. I have an exceptionally large mind.
- I dunno, probably Hitchhiker's Guide

We've got to give him more time...
- The squid guy in Return of the Jedi

Hoover Dam is big.
- Beavis and Butthead?

Where my nose ends and space begins.
- Pinnochio?

There's something very weak coming through...
- you made that one up

Fire. F-F-F-Fire.
- "We have meat here in Zee Building!"

Be just like Mosaic Canyon back home.
- Are there womp rats there?

I'll return. I promise.
- Luke, and he doesn't.

Only an old ghost town..
- blazing saddles

Play back the entire message!
- What message?

I don't see you crying, robot!
- Futurama?

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
- Mos Isley didn't seem that much worse the Cayucos Tavern.

Where's not going to get another chance at this...
- Star Wars, Jedi

What makes you think there will be settlements over there?
- But how many Starbucks are there?

If there's a bright center to the universe...
- gotta be Star Wars

There's not much to see...
- That's what I'm trying to tell you, its not there

A Day Late and Many Dollars Shorter...
- I'll have to google this one later

Hear me baby, hold together.
- Hon, A New Hope

Life is like a box of...
- chocolate, duh

I have a baaad feeling about this...
- Hon, A New Hope

We're in for some Chop.
- Star Wars

Jen Smith said...

1. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
2. Is this Luke to Han when Ben was deactivating the tractor beam in a New Hope or Luke to Wedge when Han was on the forest moon of Endor trying to knock out the shield generator in Return? I know it's Star Wars....and I know Luke said it.
3. You've stumped me
4. I keep thinking Dustin Hoffman, but I can't "hear" him saying it...
5. A rebel comm dude says this and 3P0 says his usual 6 million forms of communication blah blah and this code is not used by the Alliance...could be an Imperial code. (like duh) So Han and Chewie go out into the snow of Hoth to investigate (Empire Strikes Back).
6. Sheesh, in my mind this phrase immediately conjures up Rich Little dressed as Humphrey Bogart playing the Ghost of Christmas Past in Rich Little's HBO special: A Christmas Carol. But, uh, that's quite obscure so I don't know that you'd think of it.
7. A New Hope: Luke says this when contemplating hitting the thermal exhaust port.
8. Luke to Yoda as he's abandoning his training on Dagobah to rescue his friends in Empire Strieks Back.
10. Whinyass Luke to R2D2 after he removed the gadget that kept R2 from leaving Uncle Owen's A New Hope
11. Arrested Development. No touching!
12. too easy - you insult me by asking me to tell you that Ben Kenobie says this of Mos Eisley to whinyass Luke in A New Hope.
14. C3P0 to R2D2 after they've crash landed on Tattoine. C3P0, unlike Samwise, abandons his companion.
15. Again whinyass Luke but this time to C3P0 in a New Hope
18. Han mutters this to himself after assuring others that the Falcon will hold together.
19. I, like all the other Jenni and Jennys in the world, hate this film and refuse to mention it by name.
20. The Silence of the Lambs. "Poor little Catherine."
21. It's a video game term - but I don't know which game. These days the only video game I'm playing is Rock Band!

So how'd I do?

Josh (the oak) said...

I'm impressed so far, but you have both overlooked a few that should be pretty easy and made some little mistakes that are going to cost you points.

I am going to leave this one open for a few days before I hand out points.

Jen Smith said...

So last night at Brandon's we some how got onto the subject of Beavis and Butthead, and I mentioned the hilarity that is their version of "I Got you Babe" with Cher. As the majority had not seen it, we gathered round a laptop and watched...and half way thru I realized the Fire.Fffffire reference must be Beavis!

As for "Where my nose ends and space begins" my sister claims it is "I Heart Huckabees" which completely explains why I though Dustin Hoffman!

And my brother tells me "We're in for some Chop" is a Halo thing.